Meeting & Study Rooms

The library does have several rooms available for public use.

Community Room (large meeting room on the lower level, seats 30-64 adults)

Story Time Room (medium sized room on the lower level, children’s themed, seats 20-25 children)

 Local History Room (seats 8 to 10 and includes a large conference table. Refreshments are not permitted in the Local History Room.)

 Study Room (small room on the lower level and includes table, seats 4 adults)

Library Garden (large fenced in outdoor space, located between the library building, and parking area and Plum Street)

Rules and Regulations for the use of the Germantown Public Library Reservable Rooms


  1. No private parties. Non profit clubs or organizations are permitted to use rooms pending management approval. No group using library rooms will be selling services or products, conducting fund raising, conducting classes for profit or private social functions. No group will charge admission nor require a donation from attendees
  2. Any person or group using a room in the library will not use library owned supplies, food or drinks for their own use.
  3. Alcoholic beverages and smoking are not allowed in the meeting rooms or anywhere on library property.
  4. Refreshments may be served upon approval. Packaged meals such as box lunches or catered meals are permitted upon approval. No meals may be cooked in the library.
  5. Any use of the building after normal library hours must be arranged with the Director.
  6. The library is not responsible for equipment, supplies, materials or other items owned by a group or individual and used in the library. The library cannot supply storage for such items.
  7. Lost or damaged equipment owned by the library must be replaced. The person reserving the room is responsible for any damage to the room or its contents.
  8. The room must be left neat and orderly. Trash should be disposed of in the receptacles provided.
  9. Children’s groups (12 years old or younger) may use the rooms with supervision by one adult for every 5-7 children.
  10. The library reserves the right to discontinue the use of the room by any group that disturbs the usual operations and procedures of the library or creates a nuisance in the area.
  11. All publicity for a meeting held at the library that is not a library organized event will include a disclaimer stating that my group’s use of the library facilities in no way constitutes and endorsement of the groups policies or beliefs by the Germantown Public Library.
  12. Groups using the library will conclude meetings 15 minutes prior to the library’s close of business.

Use of facility for public meeting: The primary purpose of the Germantown Public Library meeting room is to provide a space for library and library-related activities such as story times, educational/ informational programs, book discussion groups and other events sponsored or co-sponsored by the library and relating to the furthering the use of library materials. The Library’s meeting rooms are available for use by the public on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting its use. Any use of the room is subject to the accompanying rules and regulations. The library reserves the right to discontinue the use of the room by any group that disturbs the usual operations and procedures of the library or creates a nuisance in the area. The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the groups policy’s or beliefs. 

Please fill out Meeting Room Application found online and send to for approval or stop by the library and ask for an application to fill out.

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Meeting Room Agreement Online Fillable 110.83 KB