Due to the increasing number of COVID cases throughout the State of Ohio and the area, Germantown Public Library will be postponing all in-house craft and club activities until a future date.
The library will remain open for patrons who would like to check out materials, use a computer, reserve a study room, make copies, send faxes or find a quiet space to read and relax. Curbside service is still available.
Craft programs will be moving to a take-home offering. Each Tuesday a new craft bag will be available, with a tutorial on the library's YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2VYKjveWfcbACBPF-mKSaA
LEGO club will be postponed until future notice. We will post when there is new information.
Dungeons and Dragons will be taking place virtually. Please contact Dungeon Master Joe at joer@gtownibrary.net for details.
Story time at the park will continue as weather permits.